Vanessa Obonna, known as Vanessa O is a young student and model. She was born and raised in Toronto, Canada in a home with 2 brothers, 3 sisters and both her parents. Her parents were born and raised in Nigeria and often loved to travel the world. Her brothers and sisters were born throughout the world in places like Nigeria, USA and England. Her family then settled in Toronto, Canada where Vanessa and her other 2 siblings were born. Vanessa is the youngest girl in her family and always looked up to her older siblings who gave her motivation and support as she entered the modeling world.
Vanessa O is known to be very determined at what she does, she enjoys her work and treats it just like any other job. Her parents keep her and her career in order and manages the way she makes her choices and decisions. She comes from a family where big dreams are often spoken about and then pursued. Vanessa O entered the modeling world in her early teens and from there has been going strong ever since. Throughout high school she dealt with balancing her education and career and managed to get through high school successfully. She always tried to avoid the negative people that often tried to come her way and surrounded herself with positive people instead. She never let negativity get in her way. She is now a fashion student and attends college. Education is very important to Vanessa because to her learning is fun especially when you learn about the things that interests you.
Vanessa O is a humble, talented business woman, model, and student and is known for always keeping busy. She’s now known for her curvaceous body, sultry eyes and nice attitude. Vanessa O landed Canadian magazine covers, ads and also appeared in music videos, short films and commercial work. She looks up to famous, talented musician Beyonce Knowles ever since Vanessa was a little girl and has dreams of being as famous as her one day.
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