Trisha T

Trista T has taken the industry of modeling by nothing less then a STORM. Her body of work consist of an array of complete top notch contacts e.g. photographers, modeling coaches, catalogs, events, and runway shows. Trista T’s, experiences speak volumes to the polished abilities she contributes to the industry. Women’s Empowerment Fashion Show 2010 televised event expected guest over 20 thousand people, Morrisville, NC Spring Fashion Show lineup, excepted guest over 10 thousand, Hope on the Horizon Celebrity Fundraiser Fashion Runway Show, and with little to no effort in the HEART and SOUL of Fashion, Trista T was selected to participate in the Fashion on the Hudson at Riverbank Fashion runway show in Manhattan NY. Both local and world renounced photographers have requested Trista T for her work, CClark, Derrick Clegg, Jonathan Keitt (JK),and Anthony Thomas (Eye Candy Modeling), just to name a few. Her runway training has come from none other then Top Model runway trainer himself Alva Page, known by every Top Model in the country for his contributions of style, grace and FIRE brought to the Runway. Trista T, continues to humbly approach and embrace the industry as a large class room where she will apply her skills and abilities to be utilized as a asset. She continue to look for positions in the industry to polish her expertise already in place and set for further aspirations. Trista T, continues to seek the industry as a NEVER ending story, where the scope of the craft will always line up new challenges that she is sure to concur with nothing but beauty, style, craft, and enthusiasm, never viewed before.

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