Sharifa Sparks

"Never doubt yourself and always dream big," are the words from very focused model, Miss Sharifa Sparks. Born in Texas, yet raised in California, she has always been a risk taker lead by a higher power to do whatever her sets itself to. Sharifa took this gift and has applied towards the modeling industry since her start in 2012. 
 So far she has and still currently being a model host with Pharoah Films on KOFY TV, and although had to resign, she was a candidate for the Miss Global Pageant. Sharifa wants to walk during NY or LA Fashion Week, be model personality for a major network, and one day open her own modeling agency. Her current measurements are 34C-39-29, 5'8" in height, weighing 130 pounds. Sharifa Sparks is overall defined by her loyalty and determination.

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