
1.What made you start wanting to make music?
I've always had a passion for music for as long as i can remember. I would hear songs on the radio and think to myself "I wish I had thought of that first" or something like that.

2.Where do you get your inspiration from?
As far as my inspirations, I actually get inspired quite easily just off of life situations itself. May sound crazy to some, but my mood can inspire me. With me having a pretty good ear for sound anyway, nature can become a beat to me.

3.What equipment do you use?
I started off making beats on my playstation a LONG time ago on this video game called "Music Generator". Then I upgraded to "Fruity Loops", now I'm currently using Reason 4 and of course practice makes perfect over time.

4.Who are some of the artists you worked with?
I'm part of a group called "FRAT House" that I produce for all the time. I currently have some things in the works with a few local artists such as Kayo Bracey & ILLPO and a few others.
5.Where can we hear some of your beats?
I keep my website updated quite often at

Follow me on Twitter @BeatsByBellz

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